KNB citizens visited A.D. Sakharov’s memorial days

On December 15, the citizens took part in A.D. Sakharov’s memorials days – the presentation of a documentary dedicated to the personality of A.D. Sakharov.
‘The idea of the film came to the authors following the meeting with the A.D. Sakharov archive staff who told them about a person with a bag of letters to deputy Sakharov who had come to them in 2013. He kept that letters from 1989. We wanted to meet the people who had written those letters to find out their thoughts about their letters of 1989, what life they live, and how they appraise the last quarter of the century’.
After the film exhibition a creative meeting with film creators - Alexander Guryanov and Tatyana Guryanov - was held.
The name of academician Andrey Dmitrievich Sakharov goes hand in hand with the history of Nizhny Novgorod where he spent almost 6 years during his exile for his ideas of human freedom and rights.
On behalf of the Kingdom of North Barchant prime-minister Igor Beloff expresses gratitude to the film authors and Academician A.D. Sakharov Museum for the organization of the Memorial Days of a scientist of world reputation and renowned humanitarian, the author of a fundamentally new concept of Constitution.