Why do people want to found microstates? And why do they need it all? One of the reasons why is because a macrostate today, according to many, does not accomplish its functions.
We do not know those who rule the state, we feel being controlled, but at the same time we are not engaged in politics — this is what disenchants the generation that grew up expecting something more, something better.
The phenomenon of microstates is a response to this feeling of disaffection which has appeared in democratic generations of the last 30 years. People dream of independence, autonomy, a right to make their own decisions, and not to obey those who are completely not interested in the common good.
Most microstates exist in the areas which are under control and jurisdiction of larger and older countries. Nowadays many microstates, including North Barchant, are paying attention to places that no one has taken yet. Most of the Earth’s surface is unclaimed, as it is ocean-covered, and island building technology is cheaper and cheaper.
Today's development of technology together with water and the Internet allow creating fully functional microstates without total control, over-regulation and elites. The KoNB helps its citizens in all spheres of their life without demanding anything in return. This idea defines the main task in the development of our society – to help our citizens to release the inner potential of free-thinking people without looking around and being afraid of any governmental control.